About Us
Welcome to Glare Eyewear!
We are an online fashion accessory store based in Melbourne, Australia.
Glare Eyewear was established in early 2012 where our first customer base was developed via "Instagram". After the increasing demand of our products, we decided to expand and bring you to where you are today - glareeyewear.com
We now offer a smarter way of shopping, where you can shop with 24/7 convenience at your very own home.
We have a strong belief in treating our customers with affordable, designer inspired pieces as well as stylish accessories that are personally handpicked by the Glare Eyewear team.
Glare Eyewear has a mission to offer you high quality, affordable and statement pieces that will never disappoint!
We hope you enjoy your shopping experience on glareeyewear.com and please feel free to contact us at [email protected] with any queries.
Or alternatively via our Contact Us page!
Lots of love,
Glare Eyewear